To Cara and Breanna

We can't wait to meet our new daughters/sisters! Cara, 13.99 yrs old from Xiamen City and Breanna, 3 from Longang! Hope they like us - we already love them!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Yes, we are home.  Actually we've been home since November 6th but being a family in China is not quite like being a family at home.  Real life tends to interfere - like work and school and paying bills and cleaning the house and trying to get little Brea to re-organize her nights into her days and to accept Daddy and get Cara's school supplies and, well, everything.  So I just got to the point where I thought I had a minute to post and realized it's been so long since I posted directly to my blog that I've forgotten how - I have to do it through email the way I was used to in China.  I'm sure if I was younger, didn't have 8 kids, wasn't working and traveling with work and trying to get my work computer to work and get the darn printer to work, then I would remember these things.  SIGH - but that's not the situation.

So - Cara is doing well.  She started school right away which I believe was best.  Otherwise, I think she would be bored and she would have been trying to take care of Brea, which is not her job.  She needs to be a kid herself and Brea needs to learn that Mommy and Daddy do for her, not older sister Cara.  Cara's school put her in 8th grade - I strongly disagree.  Which I've voiced, but I don't think they will take it seriously.  Still the academic evaluation is not done yet so I'm holding out hope that they will place her in her academically appropriate grade level.  Honestly, I can't see how a child who does not know basic English, was in an orphanage where they have 50 to 60 students per class and has to adjust to new food, new home, new family, my goodness even different air to breathe can have the same chance at academic success as an American student who has lived here all their lives.  Their chronological age seems to be the most minor of reasons for her grade placement.  But she doesn't seem stressed about school at all.  The only issue is getting her up in time for the bus - HA! if that isn't typical.

Brea is not doing as well.  But we expected this.  Cara totally understood and agreed to the adoption.   A three year old has little understanding of why her world was turned upside down.  She is angry and up until yesterday had her days and nights mixed up so that she awoke every night and cried for hours.  Nothing we could do stopped her, even laying next her she still cried.  I think she was and is mourning all she lost.  I feel so sad for her.  But, last night she slept through the night for the first time since coming home from China.  Now, just yto clarify, she slept through the night in China, too, every night.  But ever since coming home, not so much.  I hope this is the turning point and she can finally start to heal.  But she is stubborn and pretty sure of what she wants and doesn't want.  Good news is food doesn't seem to be an issue - she will eat anything.  Cara is more picky- can't blame her - our food and Chinese food is very different.  And I can't say I liked the Chinese food either - you could call me picky, too!

Anyway, we're home.  Cara seems happy but doesn't want to sleep in her room alone so she's on the floor of our bedroom until she gets comfortable with her room.  Brea doesn't seem happy but we remain hopeful - she's going through a difficult time and this is her way of coping right now.  I give her lots of kisses when I can (she doesn't return them but once in a great while - but that's a start!)  and she loves being read to before she goes to bed.  She shares a bed with our 2 yr old, T'ea and both seem to like the arrangement.

I'm back to work and out of town alot.  I miss the family but can't help the work situation - it is what it is.  Meanwhile, my wonderful stay-at-home Dad/husband copes with the new family dynamics, which actually could be alot worse.  So, sorry no pictures today - I'm blogging from the road, so to speak and don't have my memory card with me.

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