To Cara and Breanna

We can't wait to meet our new daughters/sisters! Cara, 13.99 yrs old from Xiamen City and Breanna, 3 from Longang! Hope they like us - we already love them!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

botantical gardens

Today we went down to the lobby to take pictures then went to the botantical gardens.  WOW!  They were beautiful!!  So wish my husband were there to share them with us.  I've said it before I think, but China is not a third world country.  Vietnam and Ethiopia could never afford something like this.  I know in the states we have something as beautiful, but I haven't seen it recently to be able to say - this is as nice.  That said, Breanna was as misbehaved as any child we have ever had.  She was whiney, strong-willed, bad tempered.  Her behavior was something I would never have tolerated at home.  I'm thinking some of the bad behavior was not feeling well.  She just had shots yesterday and I wouldn't be surprised if she was headache-y, tired or sore.  So I gave her some tylonel and that did help - she stopped some of the whining.  As for the strong-will and bad temper - I just got through it.  She was laying down on the sidewalk repeatedly and Cara, being the helpful big sister would rush to pick her up.  Finally, I just let her lay there.  Once, we even started to walk a couple steps away - Well, she actually sat up then! I went back to help her stand up and praised her.  Another time she just started to walk away from us.  I called to her and she ignored me.  This was a deliberate ignore, she knew exactly what she was doing.  I let her go.  I would say she walked about 1/2 block away.  I could still see her, but I kept my back to her and kept Jenna and Cara from chasing after her.  It worked!!  She finally turned around and came back to us - again I praised her and she seemed tickled to get the praise. 

I was talking with one of the other parents on Brea's behavior and saying I was surprised to be encountering behavior that I would normally expect from a child who was somewhat spoiled - someone who expected and got care-giver attention for bad behavior.  The other parent guessed that maybe the orphanage gave the children whatever they wanted to keep them quiet.  That seems like a difficult tactic in that there must be quite a few children for each care-giver.  But if that's not it, then I'm stumped.  There certainly has not been time for Breanna to have learned this behavior since she's been with us.  Perhaps she is testing me - that really might be it.  How far can I push this person to give me what I want, when I want it?  Well, I think we are going to be going through some learning curves here, because I'm a softie compared to my husband - there will be no tolerating this with him.  Ha, Ha.  Well, as I said she did come back - which since we've only known her since Wednesday was a pretty big sign that she understands who her care-givers are now.

So, here are some pictures from this morning - the whole Lifeline adoption group includes Destry and Beth and their twin girls (9 yr old), and Robert and Pam and their 6 yr old son.  Rob and Pam brought their 4 yr old son with them that they adopted previously.  Rob and Pam's boys are crazy about Jenna and Cara and the girls have been really good with them.  Quite honestly, I'm really impressed at how well the girls have handled the boys - they are somewhat wild and constantly after them to play with them or hold their hand to pulling on them.  Jenna has gotten a little frustrated, but Cara has been hands down wonderful.  Somewhat reassuring is the fact that Matthew (9 yr old just adopted this trip) is having some really bad behavior, too.  Misery loves company, glad to she it's not just Brea.  Of course, I've never adopted a toddler before - so it might just be what happens when a 3 yr old has her whole world changed.  I would tend to be a little cranky myself, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. You could be right! We adopted a 10 year old boy from Ukraine 2 years ago, and I am convince he was given anything he wanted and allowed to do what ever he wanted just to keep him quiet. He was soooooo spoiled, we had already adopted twice before him and he was nothing like the other two. Even two years later he still thinks he is way better than everyone else and expects to be treated that way-even though we do not cater to him. We are waitng for our I800 for a sn 1 year old from SWI of Nanjing now. So excited and love your blog and your daughters new name, God Bless, Cara Norby
