To Cara and Breanna

We can't wait to meet our new daughters/sisters! Cara, 13.99 yrs old from Xiamen City and Breanna, 3 from Longang! Hope they like us - we already love them!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

street scenes

I've been struggling with what to do with the older girls while Brea naps so they have been going out to lunch at Subway while I stay in the room with a sleeping Brea.  Yesterday, they met some folks playing a version of hackysack - you know the game where you kick a small pebble filled ball with your foot and try to keep it in the air passing it to each other?  While that game is played all over here - even adults pay it.  So, the girls (my bet is Cara got them involved in the game - she is so social and not afraid to talk to anyone!) got into a game with a couple of adults just across the street from our hotel.  The second picture is of them playing.  I'm not sure that you can see the ball, but Cara has her back to the camera in the pink hoodie.  Jenna is taking the picture - the other folks were playing with them.  They came back to the room all worn out and laughing.  Best babysitting ever.  Wonder if I could pay them to do it everyday???

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