Today we went to the west temple - it was truly beautiful. Some of the buildings are really, really old. I would tell you how old, but there is a difference of opinion as to how old I thought they were and how old Jenna thought they were. I trust her memory better than mine, but both of us admit we can't remember very well!!
Cara is doing wonderfully. She has not shed a tear, expressed any doubt or fear. I know she is nervous, but when I ask her about emotions, it becomes very difficult to span the language barrier. We plan on visiting the orphanage on Monday and I'm hopeful someone there will be able to help me understand some of Cara's concerns. I know she must have some and I would like to answer them to the best of my ability, at least to ease her mind.
Our guide has questioned us over and over again about our large family. I don't think she can wrap her mind around why we would continue to adopt when we already have 6 children. It has gotten to the point where, even though I understand the source of the questions and the fact that the China culture does not embrace a family of our size, I'm still getting a little defensive. I have explained to her that we enjoy children and there are as many positives to having a large family as there are positives to having a small family, but I can see that she may think a family our size is unfair to the children within the family. The feeling I get is that she feels you can't spend the $$, the patience, the effort, etc. and do it well. Huh. Well, there are definitely times I would just like to tell folks to mind their own business; and I generally speaking I would. But in this case I bite my tougue. I will just try to avoid the topic from now on.
After the temple we went to the West Lake Park - again so pretty. We bought a blow-up ball and played monkey in the middle (I was in the middle more than my share I must admit!!) and we had a great time. I notice that as the day goes on and we all have a good time with each other, Cara relaxes more and more. Then we go to sleep and the next morning it's like we have to build that bridge again - it's a little easier then the day before , but we take a couple steps backwards.
Today she finally asked me to buy her a toy - I had been asking her for the last couple of days as we shopped what small thing I could buy her to remember this trip by and she refused. Today, she initiated it. It's a step in the right direction - trust enough to ask something of me. Tomorrow is Sunday and I don't know what we will do. There is only so much shopping you can do. I would love to get a massage, but they are way too expensive at this hotel. Wish I knew the area better or they had a phone book - we could look for a place that was cheaper. Funny story, yesterday the girls went swimming for a very short time - it was overcast, drizzling and cool. They came in and we were walking past the sauna - so I asked how much it was - they said 120 RMB or about $20 for both of the girls. Seemed good and I thought it would be a treat for them. They went in for about 15 minutes, warmed up and threw water on each other. Then we went back to the room. About an hour later the woman from the sauna comes knocking on our door, anxiously telling me it was really 196 RMB, not 120 or about $13 more. Poor thing was so upset and worried - I think her job was at stake. I didn't have enough RMB to pay her so she took $100 in US money. I was a little nervous about just giving it to her, I was thinking I might not see her again. But, no worries, about 15 minutes later she comes running back with the change and so relieved. Ha, ha I don't know that I would have done the sauna if I had known it was $33 for the two girls, but hey, it was a great bonding experience for the two of them, even if it was only 15 minutes!!
I'll post some more pictures shortly.
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