To Cara and Breanna

We can't wait to meet our new daughters/sisters! Cara, 13.99 yrs old from Xiamen City and Breanna, 3 from Longang! Hope they like us - we already love them!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cara is cool!!

I think Cara is going to be a perfect fit for our family.  Really she has been so easy so far - don't want to jinx it, but really - she is cool.  We went shopping today and we found some great jeans for her.  She was protesting the price and then when I told her we were buying two pairs (one for her birthday) she was so obviously shocked and overjoyed.  The pants were not that expensive, but this is a girl coming from much lower expectations. It's such a refreshing outlook.  I don't consider our kids terribly spoiled - after all with a large family, it's hard to be spoiled.  But getting two pairs of jeans for our kids is not unheard of - when you wear them daily and you are a growing kid and all that. Anyway, it was such a pleasure to make her day so easily.  Of course, Jenna wanted to buy a pair of jeans, too.  But she's an American in a Chinese world - she's tall anyway - it just wasn't happening.  Cara was so dismayed and spent quite a bit of time looking for 'bigger' clothes for Jenna.  We finally found a hoodie for Jenna and Cara was probably as pleased as Jenna was.  I know this is the 'honeymoon' period, but it's a terribly stressful period for Cara, Jenna and the whole family, too, so I can't just discount the behavior as being totally on your best behavior.  Yes, that is probably true - but it would be very easy to understand the opposite behavior, too.  And, I've heard many accounts of negative behavior, so, I'm going to say it - we are blessed and so happy we have Cara!!  Love you sweetie - not because you've been so sweet (although, let's face it - that doesn't hurt either) but because you are sharing yourself so, so bravely with us.  Welcome to the family!


  1. What an exciting time! I say, just enjoy this - even if it is a honeymoon, why shouldn't you enjoy it as much as possible?!? :)

  2. So happy to hear that things are going well! Please let Cara know that she is in our thoughts and prayers as she transitions through all of the changes.
