To Cara and Breanna

We can't wait to meet our new daughters/sisters! Cara, 13.99 yrs old from Xiamen City and Breanna, 3 from Longang! Hope they like us - we already love them!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

snoring away

We moved furniture today. A job my husband loves above all others.  NOT!  So, I basically used the same techique I use with my children which involves letting the idea sink in a bit.  I mentioned it about three weeks ago.  We discussed the bedroom arrangement once Cara and Breanna come home.  After much discussion we figured the best idea to have the three youngest share a bedroom and let Cara have her own room.  This choice seemed best as we were uncertain what orphanage behavior we would be facing.  There is no way any one can be watched 24/7 - so we picked the best alternative available.  That meant that Mia, T'ea and Breanna would all be in one room. We bought bunk beds and they were delivered Friday.  Hence, moving furniture today.  We had to move Mia's twin bed into T'ea's old room - they are right across the hall from each other.  We had to move the dresser and hutch into T'ea's room and finally the white bookcase downstairs. All went well until the white bookcase.  It's not heavy but it has five shevles and it's tall.  I have this common approach to all things that are unpleasant.  I just want to get it done.  The faster the better.  So the boys carried the shevles down to the basement (yes we're talking two stairways to navigate with this thing) and Glenn & I pushed and pulled it to the top of the stairs.  No problem.  Then we got the bright idea to put it on it's side and slide it down the stairs. Oops.  It's a little long.  Glenn is under it, I'm at the top of the stairs and we can't make the turn without carving chunks out of the wall.  Glenn starts yelling, I'm trying to keep ahold of this thing that has no natural hand-holds and using my best 'yes we can' attitude.  It ain't working.  We did get it upright again at the landing - just one small chunk of the wall gone.  Glenn is still under it and telling me I'm not understanding the laws of mass and gravity.  I think I understand it very well, but I'm not under the damn bookself.  Which is what my DH is frantically telling me.  We go with my idea, which is to let gravity help us as I hold the bottom moving it one stair at a time.  We get it to the main floor.  It's still in one piece, I'm not bleeding and Glenn has only crushed his toe and hurt his back. A little.  I consider that a victory - Glenn refuses to budge the thing one step further.  That's why our white girls bookshelf - complete with pink marker designs on the side, is now in our living room.  It doesn't look bad there.  I'm going to give my husband some time to forget and recover.....
Meanwhile, our toddler's room - Mia is four, T'ea is two and Breanna is three - is done!  And, T'ea is snoring away in the bottom bunk, Mia is spralled out in the top bunk.  I moved the 'reading chair' into their room tonight and T'ea went right to sleep after our book.  I think she was pretty tired since she didn't nap well in the 'new' room and they played outside during the afternoon.  It was cool out today but sunny - perfect weather to wear them out!

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